Synadia Connect
An outlet is a type of connector that allows you to send messages from NATS to an external system. The two main components of an outlet are the consumer and the sink. The consumer will read the data from NATS and the sink will write the data to the external system. As with any connector, you can define an optional transformer to modify the message as it flows through the connector.
The consumer is the component of the outlet that reads data from NATS. The consumer can be configured to be durable so that when you stop the container and restart it, the consumer will pick up where it left off.
A transformer is an optional component of the outlet that allows you to modify the message as it flows through the connector. A transformer can only act on a single message at a time and has no knowledge of the previous or next messages flowing through the connector.
The sink is the component of the outlet that writes the data to the external system. Many different sinks are available out of the box. If you need a sink that is not supported, please reach out to us.
Each sink has its own configuration options that you can use to customize how the sink writes data to the external system. Take a look at the Reference for the specific sink you are using to see what options are available.